How will AI boost your productivity?

Zihua wu
AI Symbiosis
Published in
4 min readNov 29, 2020


When we are talking about Artificial Intelligence, we would think of super-machines that will learn everything in the world and that it only belongs in the future. Well, the future is already here.

In the past decade, AI became the fastest-growing field. It has already taken over many things and is everywhere. We might not have realized it, but they are within the app we use everything, and they made our life so much easier and better.

But what are some examples? Let’s find out.

  1. Scam call blockers:

You’ve likely seen “SCAM LIKELY” on your phone a few times when you are trying to pick up a call. Thanks to the scam call blocker, you can choose to decline or ignore the phone calls without finding out who the caller is or risk yourself getting scammed. This feature is considered as an AI because the program is always learning about what types of calls it should label as scam calls and what types it shouldn’t. Eventually, when the technology is mature enough, it would be able to block the phone call straight away, instead of asking you to decline it. It would save you much more time.

2. Autotype/autocomplete:

When we are talking about things that are auto, it is usually run by AI. Whenever you type something into Google’s search bar, many times you would only need to type in half of the sentence for it to search up your desire answers. Ain’t that amazing? Not only does it save you time, but it also prompts other interesting things that are related to your sentences. It would also constantly update itself, depending on how much each search result is clicked and viewed. The AI autocomplete would eventually only recommend things you want to view.

Auto-type on the other hand can be a little annoying in the beginning. When you try to type in slang words or words that the dictionary won’t recognize, it would replace your word into the closest match word it can find. It annoyed me in the beginning, but as I type more and more, the AI running the auto-correct program start to understand what I am trying to say, and it would not correct some words that I typed wrong on purpose. But at the end of the day, when we are rushing for a paper that is due 2 hours later, this feature is a live saver.

3. Virtual Assistance/Chatbots:

Whenever you feel lonely, just chat with one of them, it would make you feel less lonely.

Jokes aside, when you need them, they can help you out.

Virtual assistance like Siri, Google, Cortana, and Alexa has come a long way. In the beginning, they can only respond to certain questions. But as the AI learns more and more, their database also grew. They can now do so much more than they were 10 years ago. Almost like a child learning new words every day. Whenever you have trouble using your hands, a voice command would save your day. I can see in the future, it would become human-like assistance that is always by your side. By that time, you would never be truly lonely.

Chatbots also upgraded from saying “ I don’t understand your request, please connect to a representative”, to “I am sorry, did you mean ‘……’”. The trend and similarity here are very obvious, AI is like sponges, they take in everything and keeps getting better and better.


In this article, I’ve only covered the tip of an Iceberg. There are so many more things out there that are run by AI, sooner or later, everybody would be depending on them, it is too late to turn back. So instead of fear it, accept it. Take it in as part of your life. After all, it is only trying to get you an easier life or save your time and effort so that you can do something else that is more important.

Work Cited:

K, B. (2020, November 26). 10 Awesome Real-World Applications Of Data Science And AI. Retrieved November 29, 2020, from



Zihua wu
AI Symbiosis

I am Kevin, student from UB. My current major is Business. I am a fan of futuristic cars. Also like to workout day to day to stay healthy.