Neuralink Brain Chips

Zihua wu
AI Symbiosis
Published in
3 min readNov 29, 2020


Background of Neuralink

Neuralink is a company that is owned by Elon Musk, Yes, the same Elon Musk that owns SpaceX and Tesla. As he wasn’t busy enough, he decides to own a company that primiliay focues on creating the brain chip. He really is our hope for the future.

What is a “brain chip”?

A brain chip is not a hard thing to understand, it is a coin size mechanical chip that is injected to your skulls, and it connects to your brain.

What does the brain chip do?

The brain chip is a mechanical chip that is installed in your head to collect electrical signals, and it would also be able to send electrical signals to the other parts of the body and control body movements. In simple words, it mimmics the brain’s ability and makes things more manageable.

Why can the chip control our brain?

The science behind the brain chip is not hard to understand. First, we should understand how the brain controls our body.

You might not see it or feel it, but when you want your body to move, your brain would have to shot out an electrical signal to the body first. After the body gets the signal from the brain, it will then be able to perform the action.

For example, when you want to jump, your brain would send an electrical signals, “JUMP” to the body, and your body would perform the action “JUMP”. These things happen in milli seconds, that is why reaction speed varies, depend on how fast the brain transmit the signals.

Why do we need the chip if we already have the function in our brain?

The 3 main goals the brain chip tries to achieve is:

  1. To Cure brain disorders. Brain disorders are diseases that cause the brain to send wrong signals to the body, after the body receieves the wrong signal, it would perform unwanted or uncontrollable movements. By using the chip’s help, the person who suffers from such brain disorders can use the chip the move his/her body instead.
  2. Brain-machine interface. This would allow brain chip users to control a machine without touching it. This goal is harder to achieve, as this one is more complicated, the chip needs to transfer the brain’s electrical signals, into an external device and be able to control it. It sounds like magic, but it will be possible.
  3. Human brain AI symbiosis. This goal, so far, is the riskiest, but the goal that would bring the most reward. By combining human with AI learning speed, everyone would become genuises, and we would be able to use the knowledge to study unexplored areas.

Who will be responsible to invent the chip?

As for now, Neuralinks invites many engineers to join the team. Such as mechanical, electrical, software and also neuron engineers. These experts would ensure eveyrthing go smoothly and the brain chip would be possible in the near future.

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Zihua wu
AI Symbiosis

I am Kevin, student from UB. My current major is Business. I am a fan of futuristic cars. Also like to workout day to day to stay healthy.