People’s attitude towards AI

Zihua wu
AI Symbiosis
Published in
3 min readNov 29, 2020


The AI field grew rapidly in the last 10 years. I am shocked at how fast it grows yet I am super excited for the future. Without us knowing, AI has already started to run many things we use daily, even though it is already everywhere, but do people know what AI is?

With the urge to find out the answers, I started to interview my friends for their opinions on AI.

Participants are mostly friends in college:

  • Lingnan Chen
  • Zhongwei Li
  • Huiyang Lin
  • Sam Lin

All responses are asked and recorded separately.

Question 1: What are your thoughts on the future of AI?

  • LC: “AI would become a great working force, hopefully in the future, it would replace labor jobs and allow those workers to put in the time and effort somewhere else.”
  • ZL: “It is pretty deep waters, if you ever watched terminator, you will know that those things would take over humans.”
  • HL: “I think they would take over humans for sure.”
  • SL: “ I am scared, not the AI but whoever decides to invent them.”

Question 2: What are your thoughts on the human brain and AI symbiosis?

  • LC: “I think it would be a risky path, but the most rewarded path. AI combined with a human would equal to combining the pros and both, yet eliminating the cons of each.”
  • ZL: “ Anything related to the brain, don’t touch it, with AI on top? You will only speed up the take over the process.”
  • HL: “It sounds like a plan, but how are we gonna do it?”
  • SL: “Interesting, but wouldn’t that allow others to brainwash us?”

Question 3: If AI symbiosis is possible, in how many years do you think it would be here?”

  • LC: “Due to the crazy fast rate AI grows, I think AI symbiosis would be here in the next few years, who knows!”
  • ZL: “It better come out before the AI is fully developed, or else they would have the right to deny the symbiosis process!”
  • HL: “Who knows, maybe I should join the team to work towards that goal, but I am guessing a decade.”
  • SL: “ It will take a long time for sure, but even so, who is going to become the test subjects? What will they have to suffer?”

Question 4: What do you think the world would be like if everyone is in a symbiosis state with the AI?

  • LC: “If we pull anything like this off, that would be a huge improvement, might be the greatest movement in human history!”
  • ZL: “ I hope everyone would live free and enjoy their lives, hopefully, they don’t have to suffer school or work as we do.”
  • HL: “ I think it would be a utopia. I am struggling to maintain a good grade right now, I wish I can have an AI that would help me with my work.”
  • SL: “ I think the world would go upside down. What about all the people that didn’t want the AI to exist at all, what would they do to the “new species’”?

Question 5: Would you want to be in that world?

  • LC: “ Yes, sign me up.”
  • ZL: “ Yes, I would, if it is like the way you describe, everything went well.”
  • HL: “Of course I would, get me out of here.”
  • SL: “Although I have many thoughts and feelings towards this decision. But I would try it because I think that is how the future would go anyway.”


Base on 4 of my friend’s opinion, although they don’t all like AI, however, they all want to become “one” with the AI. In their opinion, they all believe that this would be a big upgrade to the human species. However, it would take very long for this to happen.

My own opinion would be on the support side, I would support AI fuse with the human brain. It can be the key to solve things we weren’t able to touch on in the past. Life is short, if doing such as would enable a happy life for every person on Earth, why not?



Zihua wu
AI Symbiosis

I am Kevin, student from UB. My current major is Business. I am a fan of futuristic cars. Also like to workout day to day to stay healthy.